片中,開頭吉米所唱歌曲叫Suo Gan,是威爾斯搖籃曲 由男童唱來,純淨動人,乍聽以為是聖歌之類的 Suo Gan的英譯歌詞在網上找,至少3種版本(註)
Sleep, my baby, on my bosom,
Warm and cozy, it will prove,
Round thee mother's arms are folding,
In her heart a mother's love.
There shall no one come to harm thee,
Naught shall ever break thy rest;
Sleep, my darling babe, in quiet,
Sleep on mother's gentle breast.
Sleep serenely, baby, slumber,
Lovely baby, gently sleep;
Tell me wherefore art thou smiling,
Smiling sweetly in thy sleep?
Do the angels smile in heaven
When thy happy smile they see?
Dost thou on them smile while slum'bring
On my bosom peacefully